19.1.2015: Venture Capital and Firm Performance

Harvard-Professor Matthew Rhodes-Kropf zu Gast bei den Wirtschaftspolitischen Gesprächen

Lesedauer: 1 Minute

Aktualisiert am 14.09.2023

Venture capitalists and business angels specialize in financing growth companies. Young entrepreneurial firms require more than just money. They can benefit from strategic advice, management support and monitoring to grow larger. Venture capital adds to growth by identifying and selecting high potential firms, getting more of them started, making them grow larger and reducing avoidable business failures. What determines success in venture capital financing? What are the policy priorities creating a favorable environment for a more dynamic venture capital sector?

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Begrüßung und einleitende Worte

  • Christian Keuschnigg
    Professor an der Universität St. Gallen und IHS


  • Matthew Rhodes-Kropf
    Professor an der Harvard Business School
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  • Bernhard Sagmeister 
    Geschäftsführer aws, Public Venture Capital
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  • Werner Wutscher
    Gründer und Geschäftsführer New Venture Scouting, Business Angel 2012


  • Christoph Schneider
    Abteilungsleiter Stabsabteilung Wirtschaftspolitik WK